Php array constant
Php array constant

php array constant

However, this will make your code require PHP 8.0 to run without a way to polyfill this functionality to older versions. Because PHP 8.0 is relaxing this error, this should not create any new BC issues. They remain constant throughout the program and cannot be altered during execution. They are similar to a variable except that they can never be changed. In PHP versions prior to 8.0, using ::class on an object triggers a fatal error. PHP Constants Read Discuss Courses Practice Video Constants are either identifiers or simple names that can be assigned any fixed values.

php array constant

If you need to get the type of any variable, PHP 8.0 comes with a new get_debug_type() function that you can call to get the class name, scalar types, resource type, etc all from one handy function. Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use ::class on value of type array in. Using ::class on a non-object is not allowed: $object = array() If you create a construct() function, PHP will automatically call this function when you create an object from a class. get_class($object) = $object::class Non-objects are not allowed The ::class constant on an instantiated object will return the exact same return value as a get_class() call. With PHP 8.0, now you can use ::class constant on objects, and it will be correctly resolved at run time: $object = new Foo\Bar() This accepts a string of the constant name and will return a. Fatal error: Cannot use ::class with dynamic class name. The built in PHP function defined() can be used to test for the existence of a constant value. Until PHP 8.0, the ::class magic constant was not allowed on objects. When used with a class name, use and use as statements will be resolved, or the current namespace will be prefixed which makes it a fully-qualified class name.

php array constant

PHP has a magic constant ::class that resolves a class name to its fully-qualified class name.

Php array constant